I want this - what a wonderful idea!!!
As to weekend plans, I'm heading toward Prairie Grove, AR tomorrow. Saturday is the big sheep-to-shawl competition. Ok... big is a relative term. I think there are 3-4 teams - but since it's my first S2S it's big in my opinion. I must admit, I'm nervous. I know it's all supposed to be done in fun, but I don't want to let my team down. I'm an ok spinner, but am self taught, so definitely not a technical spinner. Hopefully all will work out.
Oh.. and I'm picking up 3 lbs of Todd!!!! I'm so excited. If I ever get my home computer back, I'll try to post photos. The new mobo is on order. Hopefully it will be in by Friday and MAYBE I can get my baby back on Monday. I miss playing Oblivion!!!! I miss being able to post photos! I miss my computer!!!!